ICSG: Global Copper Market Expects Oversupply Of 43,000 Tons In 2018

- May 07, 2018-

ICSG: Global Copper Market Expects Oversupply of 43,000 tons in 2018

On April 27th, the International Copper Research Organization (ICSG) said on Friday that the global copper market is expected to have a surplus of 43,000 tons in 2018 and a shortage of 331,000 tons in 2019.

The following is the estimated details: the unit is 1000 tons

              2017 2018 2019

Production of mine copper 20,028 20,670 20,758

Refined copper production 23,503 24,511 24,664

Refined copper consumption 23,758 24,468 24,995

Supply and demand -254 43 -331